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Need to downsize? Blending your families? New additions to the family? Newly married? Soon to be divorced? New Job? Transferring to or from Ottawa? Inheriting property?

Don’t know where or how to start?

Schedule a 15-Minute Discovery Call to Plan Your Next Steps

Whether you’re buying or selling a home (or both) in Ottawa, your success hinges upon the expert advice and services provided by your real estate agent.

I’m committed to providing my clients with professional services based on my experience, knowledge and skills.

I’ve filled this website with tips and resources to help you quickly understand what you need to know — and how I deliver the services designed to meet your needs.

If you’re selling click here to learn more about the process and how to ensure your property sells quickly and for the highest price possible.

If you’re buying click here to discover how to find your next dream home and get it, without overpaying.

I’m the agent who specializes in this local market – and has the reputation for putting you, the client, first. Any time you want information on the market or are ready to buy or sell a property – contact me. There’s no obligation.

I’m looking forward to learning more about your needs and goals.

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6 Undisputed Ways to Make your Home Sell Faster

There are few certainties in this world, but there are surefire ways to sell your property faster regardless of market conditions. These strategies have been proven time and time again. So, if you’re thinking of selling this year, take a good look at these recommendations: 1. Clean and tidy up. Making ...

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Lighting Matters when Selling your Home

Remember the last time you were in a furniture store or other major home retailer? Remember the fully decorated displays of furniture, appliances and other products? Some of those may have even been organized as model rooms. What did most of those displays have in common? Chances are, they were well lit. In ...

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Divorcing? Consider a REALTOR® With a Divorce Niche

Divorcing and selling your marital home is an emotional time but having a real estate agent who is experienced working with divorcing couples can help. Consider the following: They are experienced in being an objective third party to help with decisions during an emotional time. They are knowledgeable in different ...

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Are you selling a ‘Diamond in the Rough”?

Selling a fixer-upper property can be challenging, but the process can be made a lot smoother by making some smart decisions: Hire a REALTOR® with a proven track record of selling fixer-uppers. You need a REALTOR® who knows how to market your property to potential buyers. When interviewing agents, ask ...

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