





Moving Yourself vs. Hiring Professionals

When you buy a new home and moving day is looming, it can be tempting to consider doing the move yourself. After all, by not hiring a moving company, you’re saving money. It is true, the DIY approach can lower your moving costs, which is money you can put towards needed ...

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DIY Tips to Maintain Curb Appeal

Keeping your lawn, flowerbeds and shrubs looking great enhances the “curb appeal” of your property. However, it can also be a lot of work! Here are some do-it-yourself tips for making these tasks easier and less time-consuming: Add mulch around trees and shrubs. That way, you won’t have to cut ...

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Can You Afford the Home of Your Dreams?

Daydreaming about owning something you can’t afford can be fun. Whether it’s a diamond-encrusted watch from Tiffany & Co., or the latest Lamborghini, even the thought of trying one on or going for a test drive can be exciting. The problem with daydreaming, however, is that it’s all-too-easy to dismiss it ...

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How to Make Your Home Sale “Smooth Sailing”

When you plan to take a journey somewhere, you hope it will be smooth sailing all the way. That simply means the trip will be relatively trouble-free, and without stress or hassles. Well, selling your property is like a journey. So, how do you ensure that adventure will be “smooth sailing” ...

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