Categories for Seller Tips!

The Role of Energy-Efficient Features when Selling Your Home

When you’re selling your home, you want to promote those features that will be of highest interest to prospective buyers. After all, the more reasons a buyer has to love your property, the more likely they are to make a great offer. Increasingly, one category of features that buyers are ...

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DIY Tips to Maintain Curb Appeal

Keeping your lawn, flowerbeds and shrubs looking great enhances the “curb appeal” of your property. However, it can also be a lot of work! Here are some do-it-yourself tips for making these tasks easier and less time-consuming: Add mulch around trees and shrubs. That way, you won’t have to cut ...

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How to Make Your Home Sale “Smooth Sailing”

When you plan to take a journey somewhere, you hope it will be smooth sailing all the way. That simply means the trip will be relatively trouble-free, and without stress or hassles. Well, selling your property is like a journey. So, how do you ensure that adventure will be “smooth ...

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Your Spring Yard Sale Checklist

Thinking of having a yard or garage sale? It’s a great way to dispose of unwanted items and other clutter, especially if you’re thinking of moving. In addition, yard sales have a charm that selling items on the internet can’t match. That’s why they’re still so popular. If you’re planning ...

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