Categories for Seller Tips!

Understanding How Your Local Market Works

When you read or watch the news about the real estate market, it may seem reasonable to make the assumption that the information applies equally to your street or community. But, that isn’t always true. In fact, the characteristics of your local real estate market can differ in many respects ...

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Upsizing or Downsizing? Don’t Overdo It!

Imagine you have a growing family, and you want to trade in the small sedan for something larger. So, you visit the dealership and come back with a bus. Well, that would be upsizing a bit too much – unless you have a really huge family! That’s the challenge of ...

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How to Create Your Own Pollinator Garden

We are all attracted to homes with great curb appeal. One of the best ways to make your home appealing to home buyers is through the use of colour in the garden. Why not meet that goal while supporting our crucial garden pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other ...

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Getting Ready for OPEN HOUSE Day

When you’re selling your property, hosting an Open House will provide an excellent opportunity to attract buyers. Ideally, people will see your property that day and decide to make an offer. That would be exciting! So, what can you do to prepare for the day of Open House? Here are ...

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